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  • Writer's pictureSETH ADAMSON


Updated: Sep 13, 2019

As I began to put together this week’s blog, a song began looping through my mind. It was the classic ballad by Foreigner “I Want to Know What Love Is”. As this song continued to play in my mind, I began to contemplate how I would answer that question should I ever meet Foreigner vocalist Lou Gramm or guitarist Mick Jones who wrote this song.

So…Lou and Mick, if by chance you are reading these words…this is what love is:

Love is the greatest force in all of Creation.

It is electric. It is dynamic. It is energy in motion.

Because its essence is energy - love is powerful.

So powerful that in its quest, the most timid become emboldened; and when lost, the mightiest are reduced to a hollow shell.

Because it is electrical, love is magnetic, and it is this magnetic quality that allows it to attract, join and unite.

Now part of the problem in defining love, is that most definitions center upon emotion and affection; but as you will soon discover, love is much more than sentiment.

And maybe part of the difficulty in truly knowing what love is…is that many define love by describing what they feel.

Unfortunately, however incredible that feeling is…it does not define love…it just describes how love makes you feel.

Now others, in their pursuit to define love draw from how love is expressed.

The truth is, love is expressed in an infinite amount of ways. For love has as many faces as there are living beings upon the planet. Each with an unlimited amount of variation to their expression.

However, amidst all those faces there is only one true definition of love:

Love is Oneness.

A oneness that ultimately results in the disappearance of self and the creation of something new. A higher form of existence. The highest form of unity.

Know within the deepest part of your being that this oneness, this union, this fusion of two into one, is the literal definition and manifestation of love.

Know also that ultimately, love is a principle. The principle upon which the Creation was formed - and the form through which the Creator speaks.

Now here is the kicker:

If you do not extend…you will not cannot interact…and there is NO possibility of Love.

Truth is, relating is nothing more than the flow of energy that occurs between all of us.

As any scientist will attest, we are all electrical beings; and if we could see the true nature of our being, it would appear as a field of charge and light, flowing in circuits and currents.

The energy from the oneness of love flows in the same manner, and it is the flow of this energy that defines love’s nature and sustains its existence.

So how does this oneness occur?

As said in the first post, there are three steps to relating:

1) Extension - or reaching out.

2) Connection

3) Interaction.

And in that first post I used the example of a phone call to illustrate this three-step sequence:

You dial the number – that is extension.

A person answers – that is connection.

A conversation begins – that is interaction.

Now here is the coolest part of that three-step sequence:

It is always from the third step of relating – interaction - that the oneness of love occurs.

For should the blend of energy through relating continue to flow and build…at a certain point within the relationship…the amount and level of energy becomes so powerful that it creates union on that level of being…and two become one.

Even cooler is that the effect of this union creates an incredible release of energy that not only further unites but also elevates those joined to a higher form of existence – the oneness of love.

This oneness, this union, this fusion of two into one, is the literal definition and manifestation of love. Moreover, this oneness is attainable on all four levels of being. Meaning that at every level of your existence you can individually and collectively feel the power and oneness of love.

Now some consciously experience this union, describing it as being knocked off their feet or struck by lightning. Others just know that their life has changed…their being has changed.

And still others have yet to experience this oneness.

But know this: the aspiration…the pursuit…the attainment of the oneness of love is an essential part of the human experience…and can and should be experienced by all.

It literally is our destiny.

So for all who want to know what love is…know that love is oneness…the greatest force in all of Creation… an essential part of the human experience…and most importantly… our destiny.

Oh…and to Lou & Mick…thank you for some of the greatest love songs ever…and I hope this post answers your question.


Join me next week as we further explore the Art of Relating.

Until then, strive to make every relationship a work of art, and allow every day to be the canvas upon which you continue to express your art.

© 2019 Seth Adamson

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