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  • Writer's pictureSETH ADAMSON


Updated: Sep 7, 2019

In the previous blog we began our journey into the realm of the Art of Relating with the simple truth that everything you do…everything we do…is some form of relating.

We then defined relating as a simple three-step sequence of extension, connection and interaction…much like making a phone call.

Now here’s the cool part. This simple “three-step sequential act of being” moves our world.

Its presence is at the core of every issue surrounding us and in its myriad of forms, we immerse ourselves.

Therefore, since we aspire to relate artfully, some of our art will be self-portraits… others sketches upon a napkin…and others still, the work of a lifetime.

All containing a world of potential. For every work of art is a relationship and the purpose of these blogs is to make every relationship a work of art.

So how do you begin to create artful relating?

Let’s start with your studio.

In your studio, there are four levels or four worlds upon which you create your art. These Four Levels are the Physical, the Emotional, the Mental and the Spiritual Worlds. Know that not only are these the Four Worlds where a relationship can occur, they are also the Four Essential Elements of your being…and if you really think about it…when you are relating…you are literally creating from your being.

So let’s start at the ground floor, the part of the studio that you are probably most familiar with – the Physical.

Physical existence is our most tangible level of existence and for most people this is the level they are referring to when they say “the world.” It is our corporeal being, our existence in matter. It is solid, and by its solidity it gives us security. It is familiar, for we enter this world by the five senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste.

Now for many, this world is all they know, as it is all that can be verified by the five senses.

As students in the Art of Relating, we know the Physical World to be just one of the Four Worlds that make up all of our existence, and so we place this world into proper perspective.

We do this by adopting an approach of reverence and appreciation for all that is our physical existence. For it is upon this world that we breathe, bleed, and most importantly continue the cycle of birth, growth, refinement and transition. And therein lies the true meaning of physical existence. For it is upon this level more than any other that we evolve.

So how do you begin to create art on this level of your studio?

First and foremost, you fully allow the majesty of this level of existence to reveal itself.

Drink in every subtle variation of color upon the canvas that is Earth.

Listen for, recognize and appreciate the constant symphony of sound that surrounds you every day; and breathe in deeply from the silence found between the notes.

Revel in the connection that is made simply by touch. Allow all of your senses to fully reveal the Physical World, for it is truly an amazing world in all of its many aspects.

At the same time, recognize that although the nature of physical existence is “diverse form,” the nature of human existence is “consciousness”—that consciousness expanding as your relating becomes more refined...more artful.

Now here’s the secret about how to create art on this level.

It is never created alone!

Therefore, your greatest tool in creating art on this level is cooperative effort, always with an eye towards what is the greater good.

Know this…creating art on this level does not have to be a grand gesture. Most of the art created here is with small strokes. Those movements always in unity.

This coordinated and united action upon the physical level of your studio is essential to creating a masterpiece

Bring to mind any physical task.

More times than not, that task is accomplished with greater ease with the aid and cooperation of others; be it pushing a stalled car, constructing a dwelling or piling sand bags upon a swollen river bank.

Moreover, while we certainly can achieve some physical tasks alone, most tasks are effectively accomplished with the help of others. Sometimes just another physical presence being the factor that creates a better environment for accomplishment.

Therefore, creating art on the physical level of your studio occurs through cooperative action; and that cooperative and united action is at the core of artful relating.

Now let’s investigate the next level of your studio – the World of Emotions.

There will be a lot of activity at this level of your studio and you certainly will not be lacking any tools for the creation of your art: Bliss, Joy, Gratitude, Serenity, Hope, Inspiration, Awe and Love. All should be well-worn tools of artistic expression upon this level of your studio - the Emotional World.

Now it’s easy to understand why the element of water is often used to describe this mercurial world. For this world can be as powerful and dangerous as white water rapids or as cool and calm as the trickle of a springtime creek. And just as objects in water appear nebulous, so too are many of the emotions that reside in this world. For this world, more than any other is often a world of distortion and illusion.

Moreover, it is from this distortion and illusion that we erect the illusory walls of separateness.

Yet the obvious paradox is that we all feel - for emotion is feeling - and it is from this well of feeling that you will be creating all of your art at this level of your studio.

Now for any who question their ability to be artists, please set any doubt aside, for most of those reading these words have already personally felt the euphoric tranquility of bliss, felt the buoyant exuberance of joy, felt the ecstasy of two hearts becoming one. Again, feeling being the operative word - not seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling or touching. For feeling is the medium by which you create at this level of your studio.

Most importantly, know that every feeling has force behind it - every emotion projected by that force. The strength and nature of that force literally determining the quality of your art…or lack of it.

That is why emotional relating is so powerful.

Not only do we feel the emotion itself, we feel the force that accompanies that emotion…in its its transmission…and in its reception.

Subsequently, that is why control of this level of existence is important, as is the recognition of our commonality upon this level of existence.

For is the sorrow of losing a loved one exclusive?

Is the elation of new love privately owned?

Is the toxicity that is fear and anger restricted to a select group of individuals?

That is the paradox of creating art at this level of existence.

The emotions that in one way so clearly promote the fallacy of “us against them” are experienced in one way or another by all of humanity—their commonality actually a basis of unity.

The need for artistic expression at this level - never more needed than right now.

Therefore, to create masterpieces at this level of your studio, strive to share the unity

of positive emotion. While at the same time never allowing any emotion to work against “the creation of your art”.

In my next blog, we will further explore the four worlds of relating upon which you create your art.

Until then, strive to make every relationship a work of art, and allow every day to be the canvas upon which you continue to express your art.

© 2019 Seth Adamson

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