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  • Writer's pictureSETH ADAMSON


Updated: Sep 7, 2019

Last week we continued our journey into the Art of Relating by defining where you create your art. This tour of your studio began by recognizing that there are four levels or four worlds upon which you create your art. These Four Levels are the Physical, the Emotional, the Mental and the Spiritual. We also noted that not only are these the Four Worlds where relating can occur, they are also the Four Essential Elements of your being.

We now continue our journey of discovery with an exploration of the third level of your studio - the World of Mind.

This level of existence is the world of thought.

Every thought you create has its birth upon this world…and every one of those thoughts has your name uniquely embossed upon it…as intricately as DNA is engraved within your physical being.

To help visualize the concept of thought, imagine your breath on a cold day. Visualize the stream of wispy air that emanates from you.

Your thoughts project in much the same manner.

Some are very focused and direct; others have form for a brief moment and dissipate.

Essential to creating art at this level of existence is recognizing that thought intimately affects every aspect of your life, for everything that manifests in life begins with thought.

That is why control of the mind is just as important as controlling what you feel, for it is upon the mental level of existence that you begin to create. Those creations manifesting as the conditions that are your life and affairs.

Therefore, realize that every thought, small or large, fleeting or intense, is a real thing that has an effect upon you and others.

Most importantly, if you seek to create art, it is upon this level of your studio that you begin, for the power of thought can literally change your art positively…or negatively. And that is why control and the direction of your thoughts is a basic talent needed in the Art of Relating, for it is a universal truth that energy follows thought.

Let’s now travel to the highest level of your studio – the World of Spirit.


The highest of the four levels of your studio is the World of Spirit.

At this level is a world that transcends thought. A world that at its highest level is a state of pure union without differentiation. It is here that the ocean of creation cannot be separated into single drops or varied pools…and it is here that the unity of humanity originates…for all is One upon this level of existence.

Now for those who are unable to accept the existence of this world, do not let this subject deter you from artful relating. One does not have to agree with everything to create great art.

For those with whom the existence of the Spiritual world resonates, know that this level of existence is the origin of oneness - a state of pure and complete union.

Your nativity is upon this world - its oneness your true home.

Although pure experience of this level of existence is a rare occurrence, know that within your being there are elements of this sublime existence. Active elements that are your true source of identity. Elements that allow you to receive guidance and impression from this level of existence. Elements that can give great depth and meaning to your art.

Most importantly, know that it is upon this world that you first experienced the unity that is true oneness. That oneness your natural state of being - your need to return to that state of being the underlying reason for the creation of your art.

So how do you create art on this level of your studio?

Creating art on this level begins with recognition and awareness.

Simply by acknowledging its existence, this world begins to reveal itself.

Therefore, the first step you need to create at this level is extension - the first step in relating at any level.

A simple step, yet one that many find so difficult to take.

Maybe it is because we cannot readily see or touch this level of existence that so many are unable to create art upon this level. For quite often, those that have no awareness of this world have difficulty accepting anything that is not tangible to the five senses - including love.

Yet, at some point, all will experience the oneness of love and its source of oneness - the world of Spirit.

Know that it is not just a matter of faith that opens the door to this level, although faith is a mighty tool in the creation of your art. It is more a matter of physics...there being a direct ratio between the energy put forth and the results you receive. If you put enough time and energy into discovering this level of your studio - it will reveal itself. Just as, if you put enough time and energy into discovering anything, be it the hidden secrets of science, the many levels of your own being or the magic and mystery of love - their nature is also revealed.

Most importantly, as you travel into this realm of the Art of Relating, understand that the oneness of this world always stands as the template for the creation of your art.


Join me next week as we further explore the Art of Relating. Until then, strive to make every relationship a work of art, and allow every day to be the canvas upon which you continue to express your art.

© 2019 Seth Adamson

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